What do you want?

When was the last time you stopped to ask yourself this question. 

What do you want? What do you REALLY want? 

Confession: This question almost broke me a few years ago. I was in a fortunate position, there was not one, but two promotional roles that I was being considered for. 

My leader asked me, “What do you want?” and I completely froze. I couldn’t give him an answer. 

It had been so long since I’d checked in with myself, I didn’t even realize - the truth was, I didn’t want either. 
Too often, we get swept up in the current of our life and don’t even realize which direction we’re headed. Almost mindlessly moving from one role to the next, because we should. 

Unfortunately, this is the well-intentioned way that many of us end up in a role we don’t enjoy, asking “how did I even get here?” feeling lost, stuck, or trapped. 

Try this: Take 5 minutes this week to sit with this question.
Dig deep. If your answer doesn’t move you, follow it up with “Why?”

Keep digging until you can feel your answer in your soul. That’s when you know your compass is pointed in the right direction. 

Enjoy the journey,
Coach Darci