ready to be back?
For past retreaters only, this retreat will offer custom content and exercises to help you take your personal work further – while also offering extra time to reconnect with each other, enjoy the waterfalls, saunas, and swimming holes, and just breathe.
investment: $750
who I am
a highly intuitive and big-picture thinker, fueled by faith and unrelenting optimism
My faith is at the core of all that I do. It is a part of my inner process in every session I’m in and you will see it show up in the values I hold firm: Kindness, Inclusivity, Truth, and Courage.
This absolutely does not mean we have to have faith in common to work together. In fact, I will respect and honor any belief system you hold.
Just know that if you ever want to invite faith into the conversation, I am capable of (and passionate about) holding space for that too.
And either way, I’ll be praying for you.
In fact, I already am.
I made achievement my best friend pretty early on and arguably for all of the wrong reasons - but it many ways my over-achiever nature has served me well.
While I’ve since done the work to detach achievement from self-worth, I still strive for excellence in all I do. I just now use an agile-inspired process to get there.
Right from the start, we will define what you want.
And we’ll run a series of experiments to get you there.
Using “let’s try it” and “for now,” we’ll keep you moving forward, asking “what did we learn,” and embracing a growth mindset every step of the way.
Thanks in part to my hard-wiring, and in part having to navigate some painful experiences early on, I am able to operate with a deep sense of empathy and understanding for others.
Being able to connect on a deeply emotional level, feel what others are feeling - and articulate those feelings in a way my clients often can’t.
I am able to anticipate and illustrate what’s making you feel stuck. Helping you to see what feels messy and impossible for what it really is.
Making the invisible, visible.
And actionable.
Choose Your Adventure